Peter McMahon

My name is Peter McMahon, I am an ENABLE Scotland member from Glasgow and I have been an active campaigner for people with learning disabilities for over 40 years.

I have been campaigning for so long because it is important to me, that people like me, with learning disabilities are able to live their lives how they chose, just like anyone else.

No one should be disadvantaged just because they are different.

I am passionate about making sure people with learning disabilities are included in communities and aren’t excluded. That things are accessible for people with learning disabilities, and no one is left behind!

Peter Mcmahon Photo For Microsite

I have produced campaign videos called my Life and My Life 2 on anti-bullying. This is something I am passionate about and I want to share my own experiences to hopefully help others. No one should ever be bullied just because they have a learning disability.

I don’t think anyone should be treated differently just because they have a learning disability!

I have done a lot, but I feel like not enough has changed over the years.

The Bill is our chance to make sure people like me with a learning disability are able to live their lives how they want.

Peter’s Experience:

I have experienced difficulties in my life just because I have a learning disability!

  • I have experienced bullying because a have a learning disability.
  • When I was born you were known as un-educated just because you had a learning disability. You were seen as unacceptable in school.

People are mean because they don’t understand that it is okay to be different. More can be done to educate people on what is means to have a learning disability.

I think things need to be more accessible for people with a learning disability. We should be able to do all the things anyone else does with the right support.

No one should be treated unfairly just because they have a learning disability. Now is the time for change.

The Bill:

Life for people with a learning disability would have been better 50 years ago if there was a learning disability, autism and neurodiversity Bill, those who campaigned for change all those years ago would be happy to see a bill for people with learning disabilities.

Now we have the opportunity to make this a reality.

I got involved with the Our Voice Our Rights campaign because I wanted to make sure that everything I had campaigned for, the things I had been part of achieving were protected by law. It is so important that our rights are protected by law, as this means it cannot be taken away!

The Bill is an opportunity to secure my rights and other people with learning disabilities rights to make sure that we are treated as equals within society.

I have campaigned for this for decades because it is the only way we can make real progress and achieve an equal society for everyone.

The Bill is an opportunity to change lives for people with a learning disability and autistic people.

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